About ME

I am Tim Heywood, an IT executive by profession and an art addict! I first encountered the works of Joseph Solman in San Fransisco in March 1999. I was stopped in my tracks and was not only hooked on the style and subject matter, but by the amazing story and history of the artist.

I now have over 50 Solman works of art in my personal collection along with an ever expanding library of research material - some of which I am delighted to share (please see the Reference Material page). I am also honoured to be entrusted with an archive of over 200 early drawings by the artist (please see Early Drawings page for some examples).

Tim Heywood and Joseph Solman, Six Chapel Row Gallery, Bath, October 2003

Tim Heywood and Joseph Solman, Six Chapel Row Gallery, Bath, October 2003

Taking a break from IT, I took over an art gallery in Bath, England, and was delighted to be able to present “Joseph Solman: Seventy Years of Painting” in partnership with the Mercury Gallery in Boston. I was also lucky enough to get to meet Joe on many occasions at openings and dinners and also visited his home and studio in New York.

If you are interested, you can read a bit more about how I discovered Joe’s work and how I have built my collection over the years here.


As you can probably tell, I am rather passionate about the work of Joseph Solman. Although his works are in museums and collections across the globe and in many private collections, he remains relatively unknown outside the USA. I hope this site will present an opportunity to spread the word and hopefully get more people interested in Joseph Solman’s art.

I have collected images of works from a range of publicly available sources to show as many examples of Solman’s work as possible.

Please note that the site has been created primarily for research and is not an online gallery with works for sale. If you are interested in acquiring a piece of art by Solman, then please just complete the Contact Us form.

Please also note that some images and documents may be protected by copyright. Wherever possible, I have received approval to use items but in some cases it has not been possible. If you own the copyright to any of the content on the site and would like for me to remove it, please complete the Contact Us form providing details.

Thanks for taking the time to visit. I hope you enjoy the site and Joe’s work!


I’d like to personally thanks Amnon Goldman, Director of the Mercury Gallery in Rockport, MA (www.mercurygallery.com) for his amazing passion, knowledge and continued support and guidance; the late Eleonore Austerer and Gregory Lind for getting me started; and to the Solman family who continue to champion Joe’s work.